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Thermal water

Hajdúszoboszló is often called the “Mecca of Rheumatism”.
Our town is famous all over the world for its medicinal waters, which are mainly recommended for the treatment of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.
Due to its special mineral composition and warm temperature, the medicinal water of Hajdúszoboszló is highly effective in pain relief and rehabilitation.

In 1925, a deep drilling in Hajdúszoboszló brought up hot thermal water of 75°C from a depth of about 1100 metres.
Analysis showed that the water contained iodine, bromine, sodium chloride and hydrogen carbonate.
In addition, tests identified bitumen, estrogens and a number of trace elements such as titanium, vanadium, copper, zinc, silver, strontium, barium and lead.

Due to the composition of the thermal water, the maximum recommended bathing time is 20-30 minutes, and children under 14 years of age are not allowed to use the thermal water.

The curative effect of medicinal water baths has been proven for the following diseases

For the treatment of chronic arthritis, degenerative joint lesions, various chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spine, chronic nerve pain, neuritis, post-Heine-Medin’s disease, and paralysis following stroke, brain surgery or other causes, treatment of chronic muscle pain, injuries, sports injuries, prolonged bone fractures which are difficult to heal, promotion of callus formation, certain forms of vascular stenosis, chronic gynaecological diseases, infertility, chronic skin diseases.


The following illnesses are not permitted: acute inflammatory diseases, cancer, malignant tumours (not recommended even within 5 years of cancer cure), circulatory insufficiency, severe hypertension, tuberculosis, severe central nervous system disease, infectious diseases, infectious skin diseases, pregnancy.

Constituents mg/l

Potassium K+ : 11.3
Sodium Na+ : 5.3
Ammonium NH4 : 14.8
Calcium Ca2+ : 8.6
Magnesium Mg2+ : 5.4
Iron Fe2+ : 0,79
Manganese Mn2+ : –
Lithium Li+ : 0,2
Aluminium Al+++ : –
Nitrate NO3 : –
Nitrite NO2 : –
Chloride Cl2- : 14,95
Bromide Br- : 9,8

Iodide J- : 5.5
Fluoride F- : 1.7
Sulphate SO42- : 37.0
Hydrogen carbonate HCO3- : 17.9
Sulphide S2- : 0.16
Total phosphate PO43- : 0.25
Carbonate CO3 2- : 9.0
Metaboric acid HBO2 : 84
Metacarboxylic acid H2SiO3 : 52
Free carbonic acid CO2 : –
Dissolved oxygen O2 : trace amounts
Arsenic As : –