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Mechanotherapy treatments

Mechanotherapy is the use of mechanical forces and movements in healing.
This therapy includes physiotherapy, underwater physiotherapy and medical massage.
Physiotherapy aims at restoring and improving movement and other functions, while underwater physiotherapy uses the buoyancy and resistance of water to relieve and strengthen muscles and joints.
And medical massage helps healing by increasing circulation, relaxing muscles and relieving pain

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage is designed to strengthen the muscles around the spine and joints, eliminate painful muscle knots and reduce oedema.
During the treatment, the masseur uses a variety of techniques to help improve circulation, relieve muscle tension and relieve pain.
Therapeutic massage is particularly recommended in cases of musculoskeletal problems, stress or overwork, contributing to physical and mental recovery.

Treatment time: 15 minutes

McKenzie spine exercises

The McKenzie method of physiotherapy is a specialised testing and treatment system for the effective treatment of spinal problems. The method is based on active movement therapy, during which the patient can perform exercises independently to help relieve pain and improve mobility. Our hotel physiotherapist uses the McKenzie method to help relieve spinal and limb pain, improve mobility and achieve lasting results.

The first session starts with a condition assessment, during which our colleague will analyse in detail the symptoms and the movement of the affected areas. He or she will then draw up a personalised treatment plan, including therapy sessions and exercises that can be done at home. The aim of treatment is to relieve pain, restore range of motion and prevent recurrence.

For what complaints is it recommended?

  • Lower back and neck pain: including pain caused by persistent muscle tension or incorrect posture
  • Disc herniation: stabilising the spine and reducing painful nerve pressure
  • Sciatica (sciatica): to relieve radiating pain
  • Joint complaints: also effective for shoulder, knee or hip pain
  • Disability: as part of rehabilitation after surgery or injury

Why try it?

  • Fast pain relief without invasive interventions
  • Long-term solution to prevent recurring complaints
  • Easy-to-learn exercises at home with expert guidance

McKenzie therapy not only treats the symptoms but also targets the root cause of the pain, helping you to move freely and pain-free again.

For more information, please contact our colleagues!

Physiotherapy (individual or group)

The aim of physiotherapy is to treat musculoskeletal disorders, promote rehabilitation after injury and surgery, and restore muscle strength, flexibility and coordination.
In individual sessions, the therapist uses personalised movements and exercises according to the patient’s condition, while in group sessions, people with similar problems work together to recover.
Physiotherapy helps to reduce pain, improve mobility and improve quality of life.

Recommended for: injuries, post-operative conditions, musculoskeletal disorders, muscle and joint pain, spinal problems, rehabilitation.

Treatment time: 20 minutes