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Medical water

In 1925, during a search for oil, thermal water erupted from the depths of the earth. The water rose from a depth of 1100 meters, with a temperature of 75 °C. According to analysis, researchers found out that the water contained iodine, bromine, salt, hydro carbonates as well as bitumen (containing estrogen) and different trace elements, such as: vanadium, copper, zinc, silver, strontium, barium, lead.

The power of the thermal water and other beneficial factors together result in the recovery of thousands of people. The iodized, bromine, salty water can mainly help in recovering from rheumatic diseases.

Research shows that there is a good result in 90% of those patients who comply with the medical instructions. Treaments are effective for those suffering from chronic locomotor disorders, degenerative illnesses and locomotor disorders of surgical, neurological, internal, and dermatological origins (eczema, psoriasis). Patients having gone through orthopedic operations return regularly to get follow-up treatments.

We have also achieved good results with patients recovering from cerebral hemorrhages or paralysis following the Heine-Medin disease as well as in the treatment of chronic neuralgia and neuritis stenosis. Leg ulcers often start to heal too as a result of the treatment.

The water has a good effect upon gynecological inflammations as well. Many infertile women who received therapy at least 3 times have reported that they managed to become pregnant. Such results can be explained by the fact that the thermal water has bitumen in it linked with estrogen.

(mg/I)                  OKI (1994)
Kálium K+ 11,3
Nátrium Na+ 1530
Ammónium Nh4 14,8
Kálcium Ca2+ 8,6
Magnézium Mg2+ 5,4
Vas Fe2+ 0,79
Mangán Mn2+
Lítium Li+ 0,2
Aluminium Al+++


Nitrát NO3
Nitrit No2
Klorid Cl2- 1495
Bromid Br- 9,8
Jodid J- 5,5
Fluorid F- 1,7
Szulfát SO42- 37
Hidrogénkarbonát HCO3- 1790
Szulfid S2- 0,16
Összes foszfát PO43- 0,25
Karbonát CO32- 9,0


Metaborsav HBO2 84
Metakovasav H2SiO3 52
Szabad szénsav Co2
Oldott oxigén O2 nyom
Arzén As 84
Total: 5055