Our Recognitions, Awards
The health tourism complex in Hajdúszoboszló focuses on guest satisfaction. The fulfilment of the company philosophy is also monitored by external evaluators, i.e. by applying for quality awards. We believe that today, a reputation is built and maintained on quality.
In 2001, the quality-oriented process started, the first step of which was to obtain ISO 9001-2001 certification. This year, the quality management system has been implemented in the complex spa and health services and in the day care sanatorium. In 2003, the full range of services was extended.
The Shiba Award was established by Dr. Shoji Shiba, a Japanese professor, to recognise the efforts of companies and individuals who have excelled in implementing the Comprehensive Quality Management System. According to the professor’s principles, quality is no longer just about the quality of the products, but must be present throughout the company. Our spa successfully applied for a Shiba certificate in 2004. Following the Shiba letter, the company was invited to apply for the Hungarian Section of the European Quality Society. Based on the evaluation, the spa and beach bath services, the Aquapark and the Árpád swimming pool were declared winners. The award was presented in November 2005 at the 14th edition of the Hungarian Quality Week.

The North Great Plain Quality Award from the region’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry is awarded to those who are continuously improving and customer-focused. Since November 2005, our spa has also been able to claim this title.

In February 2005, our spa, swimming pool, beach and slide park services were assessed by the Hungarian Bathing Association’s certification committee. The application and the on-site assessment put our spa at the top of the list of those that had previously achieved this rating. Thus, the spa scored 198 out of 215, and the beach and the water slide park 205 out of 217, qualifying for a four-star rating. The indoor swimming pool was awarded 161 out of a possible 184 points by the judges, which corresponds to a three-star rating. In 2011, Aqua-Palace Experience Baths received a 5-star rating from the Hungarian Bathing Association.
Also in 2005, our laboratory obtained accreditation.
Our Company has received several quality awards for Pávai Vajna mineral water. In November 2005, we were awarded the title of Hajdú-Bihar County Quality Product by the County Municipality. On 7 December 2007 the North Great Plain Tourism Committee and the Hungarian Tourism Zrt. The Regional Marketing Directorate of the North Great Plain Region has awarded the „North Great Plain Region’s Recommendation“ to Pávai Vajna mineral water.

In November 2006, Hungarospa Hajdúszoboszló Zrt. a European Quality Award certificate („Recognition for Excellence“), as its application achieved a score of four stars.
A 2007. Hungarospa Hajdúszoboszló Zrt. has been awarded the highest 5* European „Recognition for Excellence“. The previous year’s 4* result was therefore surpassed, and the company has once again taken a significant step up in quality levels.

Hungarospa Hajdúszoboszló Zrt. is the only company providing a similar service to be recognised. The award could be a precursor to the National Quality Award. Success is a joint effort. Everybody, from the unskilled worker to the top management, has contributed equally. The application had to meet the criteria of the EFQM model, presenting the company’s capabilities and results.The application consisted of the following chapters: management, strategy, customer satisfaction, human resources, operational processes, social relations and quantifiable results.
The awards and recognitions listed above are the steps of a process, the goal is to continue to achieve the best quality, to make Hajdúszoboszló even more visited by satisfied guests and thus even better for the whole city!
In 2008, the Hungarospa brand was awarded the Business Superbrand.

2009. On 2 December, Gyula Czeglédi, CEO, received the „Tourism of the Great Plain“ award in Martfù, which was awarded to Hungarospa Zrt. by the North Great Plain Regional Tourism Committee. The award is given to natural and legal persons whose outstanding work contributes to the development of tourism in the region. In recent years, Hungarospa Hajdúszoboszló Zrt. has implemented a number of investments that have strengthened the tourist attractiveness of the city and the region, and its marketing activities have contributed to enhancing the image and visibility of Hajdúszoboszló.

In 2008, our company introduced an environmental management system in addition to quality management. Our primary goal is to provide a guest-centred, quality service to our guests and patients.
The integrated management system operates in accordance with the MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 and MSZ EN ISO 14001:2015 standards.The certification was carried out by TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft. at our company. Every year we carry out a surveillance audit, with a renewal audit every two years, to ensure that we have a valid certificate to operate the system.

In 2013 HungarospaZrt. It was awarded the „Consumer Friendly Business“ certificate and in 2014 it was awarded the international „Consumer Friendly Business“ certificate .

2015. In April, Hungarospa was awarded the National Certification Marks in the following categories: spa, adventure baths and beach with 5 stars and swimming pool with 4 stars.

In 2020, Hungarospa Hajdúszoboszló Zrt. successfully applied for the bronze award of the Family Friendly Place certification mark. The certification is awarded by the Ministry of Human Resources to those service providers who prioritise family-friendliness and family-centredness and who can credibly demonstrate their family-friendly operation. Achieving the bronze level is the first step, after which the service provider can apply for the family-friendly workplace label, followed by the silver level and finally the gold level. Hungarospa will apply for further degrees in the future.

In 2022, Thermal Hotel*** was featured in the „Hotel of the Year“ show and public vote competition organized by the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants and Interaction Production on RTL Klub, where it was ranked 3rd in the Great Plain region.

In the Hotel of the Year 2022 competition 3. Hungarospa Zrt. in the category of Tourist Attraction of the Year Quality Awards.